e18 Newsletter – Summer 2024

Published On: September 15, 2024|
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Summer Newsletter

We hope you enjoyed the summer period and the sunshine! As we move into the Autumn period and the days grow longer, we’re excited to share all the latest updates and happenings at e18 Innovation.

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Insight Series

Our e18 Insights Webinar Series continues to gain momentum, showcasing examples of success stories and providing a space for increased networking within the NHS community. These sessions include first-hand experiences from NHS staff and experts who have integrated automation into their daily practices.

Catch up and request a replay below !

Using automation to improve the efficiency of waiting list management
knowledge hour clinical coding

Or register for our upcoming webinars

And check our webinar schedule to discover what is still to come!

webinar schedule
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New Case Studies


The HFMA Case Study covered a number of examples of successful e18 automation programmes in the NHS.

We have also worked alongside Leeds Teaching Hospitals, discovering how cardiology coding and automation generates over £700k of in-year income.

Harrogate case study

Our work with Harrogate and District NHS Trust, University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust and The Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust reduced the size of waiting lists by c10%

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New Starter

We are delighted to introduce Hannah Swayne, our Customer Success Manager and the newest member of the e18 team. Hannah will support the e18 customer base, oversee technical projects and manage the delivery of automations.

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Customer Renewals 

We are pleased to announce the renewal of a number of Intelligent Automation contracts.  Through comprehensive mentoring, hands-on workshops, and ongoing support, e18 Innovation will equip these trusts’ internal teams with the necessary skills to sustain and grow their automation programmes.

lincolnshire nhs logo

Both United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust and Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust, have renewed their contracts for a further three years. Under the terms of the renewed agreements, both organisations have chosen to expand the service offerings they receive from e18 Innovation.

alder hey nhs logo

We have also secured the renewal of our automation contract with Alder Hey Children’s Hospital! 

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Contract Expansions

We are also pleased to announce contract expansions with some of our customers as their automation programmes continue to mature. These are testament to our successful collaboration with our customers, and we cannot wait to continue to provide our support and expertise to their automation journeys.

harrogate and district logo

Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust have signed a new managed service contract for the delivery of six new cancer process automations to enhance patient care and streamline cancer services.

Leeds Teaching Logo

With automation now spreading its wings into procurement, pharmacy, and nursing departments, we’ve expanded our services with Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust 

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Once again, e18 has engaged and collaborated in several events over the past few months.

In May, the e18 team attended the Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust Digital Day. The day was filled with exciting new opportunities, demonstrating how technology provides innovation and efficiency in the healthcare sector and specifically in the community setting.

We also hosted a really successful Away Day for our customers in the North West, where we were joined by senior members from Cheshire and Merseyside ICS. It was great to share how automation is underpinning their strategic programmes for Cancer, Elective Recovery, Diagnostics and Efficiency at Scale.

Our CEO and founder Louise Wall attended the HCSA Women’s Network Conference 2024 on 4th September 2024. The event showcased the influential and pioneering female leaders within the healthcare industry.

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Upcoming Events

Looking ahead to the Autumn period, there are a number of events that we are looking forward to attending.

Skills Development Network
Hett Show- 24-25th September 2024 
hfma – Implementing automation in healthcare 2024 – 1 October 2024
HCSA Annual conference– 13th & 14th November 2024

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SS&C Blue Prism Partner Excellence Awards 2024

These prestigious awards recognise our commitment to driving significant business impact for our healthcare clients in the NHS. We’re proud of our team and partners who have worked tirelessly to achieve these milestones.

Finalist for techUK’s #PresidentsAward 2024

Our CEO, Louise Wall, has also been recognised as an inspiring industry leader in a recent article published by Tech4Good and was a finalist in the prestigious annual Presidents Awards. Read how Louise’s dedication, commitment and passion has impacted the automation technology in the healthcare sector and where it all began!

Louise Wall Tech UK award
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Skydive for Toucan Diversity

skydive for toucan diversity

Sharon and a team of others will be completing the Skydive for Toucan Diversity on 29th  September to raise awareness and funds for Toucan Diversity, a non-profit promoting equality for people with visible and hidden disabilities,

Join us in supporting her!

We look forward to the next exciting period for e18 as we continue to build this fantastic NHS community. Watch this space for our new Community portal which we will be launching in January 2025!

As always, please let us know of your success stories and we look forward to showcasing your results to the wider community!

All the best

The e18 team

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